Monday, December 23, 2013

A Christmas Movie Never to Show Your Children

I just saw "Rare Exports" on Netflix. It is listed on Netflix under the movie title "Rare Exports- A Christmas Tale". This is one was of the darkest Santa Claus tales  I have ever seen. It's definitely not good for small kids, unless you wish to scar them for the rest of their life. However if they are a teen, or Walking Dead Fan, I'm sure they will love the movie. Even though the opening is in English, the movie is in English subtitles. The movie flows and is suspenseful. Now if you love a horror Christmas Classic, you will not be disappointed. I might put a "bear trap" in my fireplace after seeing this one and suggest you do the same. "Rare Exports" gets 4 out of 5 stars from me. 

Here is a link to the movie via daily motion via hulu with commercials. The quality is excellent if you don't mind commercials throughout.  You have to verify your age, since it is for a  mature audience
                                                           Click Here to go to movie link

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